Who is the Real Rebel?

In an article by Marcel Schwantes, he makes points that rebels are starting to change industries. Good or bad, R3BELS are everywhere, changing our world.


Have you ever seen how a R3BEL behaves? Have you ever noticed how a R3BEL mindset thinks? The official definition of a “rebel” is a person who rises in opposition or armed resistance against an established government or ruler. You don’t need to have a controlling ruler or government figure to resist against to be a R3BEL. Being a rebel comes in all shapes and forms. Sometimes your own ego is the tyrant ruler that’s holding you back from extraordinary, new things in life. Be the R3BEL that resists against your own comfort and ego to learn and grow. 


I always saw myself as the R3BEL in the room. I’ve been known for doing out of the ordinary things. I chose to help others find this side. It will help you stand out and be remembered by doing things not everyone will understand but appreciate as an element of surprise. Going against the norm may be uncomfortable but it will change you into a better mindset.


That is the key focus of our brand. We work to help other businesses find their R3BEL side and learn to embrace it. This is an introduction of who we are and what we do. We want to work with you. Work with us to find the R3EBL for your business.


Check out this video and quiz below to see how we can help you.

Take the quiz

Francesca Gino has posted a short quiz to help you learn which type of rebel you tend to be. You’ll get some tips on how you can further develop your rebel talents. Take the quiz here .

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