How to design your website?

Every website starts with an idea. Whether it’s a personal blog showcasing your day-to-day life, a business site displaying the face of your company, or something in between, your website’s purpose and structure will depend entirely on the type of business you want to run.

The Initial Steps: Deciding on Your Approach

When creating your own website, there are several key decisions you need to make. For instance, creativity and technology may not be your strongest points. While you could learn these skills yourself, especially given the accessibility of information on the Internet, you might not have the time or desire to manage it all.

Before diving into the project, ask yourself these two fundamental questions:

  1. Do you want to design, be part of every step, and do it yourself?
  2. Do you want to be hands-off and give your ideas to someone else to complete the work?

To better understand these approaches, consider the analogy of baking a homemade pie.

Option #1: The Full DIY Approach

This option requires a complete DIY approach. Imagine you’re making a pie entirely from scratch. You go to the store and buy every ingredient. You take the time to make the dough and roll it into the perfect crust. You prepare the filling and wait for it to bake in the oven. Afterward, you clean up and dispose of the mess. Every step, from beginning to end, is done solely by you.

Similarly, with this option, you would create the entire website on your own. This includes everything from the initial design and coding to the final touches. You might use platforms that provide the freedom and space to work independently, such as HTML/CSS for custom coding or content management systems (CMS) like WordPress. Each feature would be built by you or through third-party applications. Once completed, you must maintain the website and keep it updated.

Example: Jane runs a small boutique and decides to build her website from scratch. She learns HTML, CSS, and some JavaScript to create a custom design. She spends countless hours on YouTube tutorials and forums to troubleshoot issues. Jane’s site is unique and tailored to her vision, but maintaining it and adding new features becomes time-consuming.

Option #2: DIY with Assistance

Now, this choice makes things easier. You still do the work but with some help. Think of using a food delivery app like Blue Apron, which prepares and delivers all the ingredients to your door. You skip the grocery shopping and some of the prep work. All you need to do is put the ingredients together, wait for it to bake, and clean up a minimal mess. Each step is still done by you, just shortened with some assistance.

For your website, this means using platforms like WordPress, Wix, or Shopify. These website builders provide tools to compensate for a lack of technological skills. They offer prebuilt templates for those who don’t have the creativity to design something original. Each step is designed for you to do less work and focus more on your business ideas. You can even pay a monthly fee for these platforms to keep tabs on and update your website.

Example: Sarah wants to start an online store for her homemade candles. She uses Shopify, which provides her with beautiful templates and an easy-to-use interface. Sarah customizes her site with her brand colors and uploads product photos. The platform handles the backend processes like payment gateways and inventory management, allowing Sarah to focus on her products and marketing.

Option #3: Complete Outsourcing

With this advantage, you do no work at all. Imagine hiring a food delivery service like Uber Eats to bake and deliver the finished pie to your house. Every step is done for you. You just look at the menu, plan your delivery time, and the homemade pie arrives ready, with no cooking or cleaning necessary.

This approach involves hiring professionals to design, develop, and maintain your website. You present your ideas, and they handle the entire process, delivering a finished product tailored to your specifications.

Example: John owns a consulting firm and wants a professional website to attract high-end clients. He hires a web development agency that specializes in corporate websites. They discuss John’s vision and needs, then handle everything from design to deployment. John receives a polished, functional website without having to manage any part of the development process.

Tailoring Your Approach to Your Business

Every business is unique, and so is every website. The approach you choose should align with your business goals, budget, and technical expertise. Each option offers different levels of support and pricing.

Option #1 (Full DIY): Best for those with technical skills and a unique vision. It requires a significant time investment but offers complete control over every aspect.

Option #2 (DIY with Assistance): Ideal for small businesses or individuals who want to save time and effort. Website builders provide a good balance of customization and ease of use.

Option #3 (Complete Outsourcing): Suitable for businesses that need a professional, high-quality website without dedicating internal resources to development. This option is often the most expensive but ensures a polished result.

Our Services at Real Rebel

At Real Rebel, we offer a full package to build you a customized, supported website. We handle all the technical work so you can focus on what you do best—running your business. Our services include:

  • Custom Website Design: We create visually appealing and user-friendly websites that reflect your brand’s identity.
  • Development: Our team of developers builds robust, scalable websites using the latest technologies.
  • Maintenance and Support: We provide ongoing support and maintenance to ensure your website remains up-to-date and secure.
  • Business Consulting: We help you develop business ideas, boost creativity, and build confidence in your brand.
  • Branding: We assist in creating a strong brand identity that resonates with your target audience.

Example: Emily is a fitness coach who wants to expand her online presence. She partners with Real Rebel to create a website that offers online classes, personalized training plans, and a blog. We design and develop her site, integrate e-commerce functionalities, and provide branding services. Emily can now focus on her clients while we ensure her website is running smoothly and effectively.


Building a website is a significant step for any business. Whether you choose to do it yourself, use a website builder, or hire professionals, the key is to create a site that effectively represents your brand and meets your business needs.

At Real Rebel, we understand that every business is different. That’s why we offer tailored services to help you create a website that stands out. From design and development to branding and support, we partner with you to turn your ideas into reality.

Let’s work together to build a website that showcases your business in the best possible light. Contact us today to get started on your journey to a successful online presence.

Check out this video we made to help get ideas on the website platforms that are in the industry.

Be the R3BEL.

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